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squireHskwaIE5, $skwaIrn [C]old use (in the past in England) a man who owned most of the land around a village乡绅,大地主On Christmas Eve, the squire would give a party for all the people who worked on his estate.在圣诞夜,大地主会给他庄园的所有工作人员举办个晚会。(Br infml dated) Squire is sometimes used as a friendly greeting by one man to another who might be of a higher social class.先生"I don't know if all my luggage is going to fit in the back of the taxi.""Don't worry, squire, I'll get it in."“我不知道我的行李能否放得进出租车的后座。”“别担心,先生,我会把它放进去的。”