释义 |
sow (obj) PLANTHsEJ, $soJvpast simple sowed, past part sown HsRWn, $soWn or sowedto put (seeds) in or on the ground so that plants will grow播种Sow the seeds in pots or in/on the open ground. [T]把种子播种在花盆里/疏松的土地里。"When is the best time to sow?""I always sow early!" [I]“何时是最佳播种时期?” “我总是很早就播种了!”We'll sow this field with barley. [T]我们要在田里播种大麦。(fig.) Now that you've sown (= introduced) doubts in my mind, I'll never again be sure I can trust him. [T]既然你在我心中撒下了疑惑的种子,我很难再信任他了。He's sown the seeds of (= done something which is very likely to lead to) his own downfall.他为自己的堕落撒下了种子。He had plenty of time to sow his wild oats (= have an exciting time with lots of, usually sexual, relationships) before he got married--now he should start to behave responsibly!他在结婚前过着放荡的生活----现在他该开始懂得负责了!(saying) "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" means the way you behave in life will determine the kind of treatment you will receive from others. (The Bible, Galatians 67)种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;善有善报,恶有恶报