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snatch (obj) TAKE QUICKLYsnAtFvto take hold of (something) suddenly and roughly夺走, 抢夺, 绑架He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them. [T]在我还没来得及看清楚的时候, 他就一把抢走了我手中的照片。Small children are often told not to snatch because it is rude. [I]人们经常告诫小孩不要一把抢过东西, 因为这是粗鲁的行为。The six-year-old girl was snatched (= taken away by force) from a playground and her body found two days later. [T]这个6岁女孩在操场上被绑架, 两天后发现了她的尸体。She had her purse snatched (= stolen) while she was in town. [T]她的钱包在城里被偷了。Running the best race of his career, Fletcher snatched (= only just won) the gold medal from the Canadian champion. [T]弗莱彻跑出了他职业生涯中的最好成绩, 从加拿大冠军的手中夺走了金牌。To snatch an amount of time is to use it quickly for what you want to do.抓紧时间I managed to snatch a minute for a quick sandwich at the station. [T]在车站我抓紧时间在一分钟内吃完了三明治。To snatch something that is to your advantage is to take it quickly.抓住机会做某事Perhaps you'll be able to snatch a couple of hours'sleep before dinner. [T]也许你能在用餐之前, 抓住机会睡上几个小时。If you snatch at something, you attempt to take hold of it or take advantage of it quickly before it is too late.一把抓住Try not to snatch at the ball. [I]别一把抓住球。A man snatched at my bag, but he didn't get it. [I]一个男人想一把抓住我的包, 可他没有得逞。I was desperate to find a way out of teaching so when this job came along I snatched at it. [I]我当时急于脱离教学岗位,因此毫不犹豫地想办法抓住这工作。To snatch victory (from the jaws of defeat) is to win a surprising victory at the last moment possible, when it had previously seemed certain that you were going to lose.出人意料地夺得胜利, 在最后一刻取得胜利In the last ten minutes of the game, Germany scored two goals, snatching victory from the jaws of almost certain defeat.在比赛的最后10分钟内, 德国队射入两个球, 从几乎注定的失败中取得了胜利。