释义 |
smell (obj) DISCOVERsmelvpast Br and Aus smelt smelt or Am and Aus also smelled smelt, smeldto become aware of or to discover about (something) using the nose闻,闻到Just smell this perfume! Isn't it wonderful? [T]闻一闻这种香水!好闻极了,不是吗?Can you smell burning? [T]你闻到焦味吗?I can smell lunch cooking from up here. [+ obj + v-ing]我能从这儿闻到下面做午饭的气味。Didn't you smell that the pie was burning? [+ that clause]你没闻到那块饼烧焦了吗?You should be able to smell when the bread is ready. [+ wh- word]面包做好时,你应该闻得到香味。I can smell something nasty in the bottom of the fridge. [T]我能闻到冰箱底部令人厌恶的气味。(fig.) Brenda can smell trouble a mile off. (= She knows a long time in advance when there is going to be trouble.) [T]布伦达能敏感地预知有什么麻烦事。If you smell blood, you recognize an opportunity to attack or take advantage of someone who is in a difficult situation.意识到有利时机When she smells blood, you don't get a second chance.当她意识到了有利时机,你就没有第二次机会了。(esp. Br) To smell out something / smell something out (Am usually sniff out) is to discover where it is by smelling.闻出At customs, dogs are used to smell out drugs in passengers'luggage. 在海关,狗被用来闻出乘客行李中的毒品。(fig.) If there's a bargain to be had, you can be sure Jonathan will smell it out.如果有便宜货,乔纳森肯定会将它找到。If you smell a rat you recognize that something is not as it appears to be or that something dishonest is happening.发觉可疑之处She smelled a rat because he said he was working late at the office but he wasn't there when she tried to phone him.他说他在办公室里工作得很晚,但当她打电话给他时,他却不在那里,她发觉有可疑之处。Smelling salts are a chemical with a strong smell in a small bottle which is put under the nose of people who have lost consciousness.嗅盐People used to be revived with smelling salts when they had fainted.过去人们晕倒后,常利用嗅盐使他们苏醒来。