释义 |
sleep.ing5sli:7pINadj [not gradable]睡着的,睡眠用的She looked lovingly at the sleeping child.她疼爱地看着睡着的孩子。A sleeping bag is a large thick bag for sleeping in.睡袋A sleeping car (also sleeper) is a railway carriage containing beds for passengers to sleep in.卧铺车厢(Br) A sleeping partner (Am and Aus silent partner) is a partner in a company who does not take an active part in its management, esp. one who provides some of the money.隐名合伙人A sleeping pill / tablet is a pill which you take to help you to sleep better.安眠药(Br) A sleeping policeman is a raised part built across a road which is intended to make people drive more slowly.限速路埂Sleeping sickness is an African disease which causes fever, severe lack of energy, weight loss and sometimes death.(热带)昏睡病 [ASLEEP]