释义 |
sharp CLEARHFB:p, $FB:rpadj-er, -est clear; easy to see or understand清晰的,清楚的Our new television has a very sharp picture.我们新买的电视机图像非常清晰。On a clear day, the mountains stand in sharp contrast to the blue sky.天气好的时候,群山与湛蓝的天空形成鲜明的反衬。Sales this month have shown a slight increase, in sharp contrast to those of the last few months.这个月的销售有略微的增长,与前几个月形成明显的对比。The incident has again brought into sharp focus the potential influence of what children watch on how they behave.这件事再次把焦点对准了孩子们看的电视内容对他们的行为构成的潜在影响这个问题。There is a sharp distinction between crimes which involve injury to people and those which don't.构成伤害的犯罪和不构成伤害的犯罪有着泾渭分明的区别。The terrorist attack was a sharp reminder of how dangerous the world can be.恐怖分子的袭击清楚地提醒人们这个世界有多么危险。