释义 |
sense MEANINGsentsn [C]one of the possible meanings of a word or phrase含义,意义They are not immigrants, at least not in any sense that I understand.至少就我所理解的意义上来说,他们不是移民。The packaging is green--in both senses of the word (= it is green in colour and it is good for the environment).这个包装是绿色的----这包含了“绿色”的两层含义。Security defined in the broad/broadest sense of the term means getting at the root causes of trouble and helping to reduce regional conflicts.广义上说,安全是指找出麻烦的根本原因,帮助减少地区冲突。The opposite of 'the broad sense'is 'the narrow sense'.“广义”的反义词是“狭义”。The word 'bastard', used in its literal sense of a child born to unmarried parents, is less common than it used to be.单词“私生子”,字面上指未结婚的父母生的孩子,比起过去来不太常用了。It's a book which is, in every sense (= in every way), about different ways of seeing the world.从任何意义上说,这都是一本以不同角度看世界的书。She's right, in a/one sense (= She is partly right) because we did agree to wait, but only until June.从某种意义上说她是对的,因为我们确实同意等,但只愿等到六月。We are in no sense (= We certainly are not) obliged to agree to this.我们绝不是非得同意这件事。This passage doesn't make (any) sense (= the meaning is not clear).这篇文章不知说了些什么。I've read the letter twice, but I can't make (any) sense of it (= I can't understand it).这封信我看了两遍,可还是不理解。[SENSE 中的make sense]