释义 |
self PERSONALITYselfnpl selves selvzthe set of someone's characteristics, such as personality and ability, which are not physical and make that person different from other people本性;特质; 自我For the hero of the film, combat is the ultimate experience that allows him to find his true self. [C]对电影的主角来说,战斗是使他发现真实本性的首要经历。When I saw them this afternoon they were more like their old/normal selves (= as they were in the past). [C]我今天下午看到他们的时候,他们更像老样子。This transformation cannot be achieved without discarding your old timid self. [C]要是不丢弃你羞怯的旧自我,转变不可能实现。(fml) These nurses seem to be able to put the needs of self (= their own needs) a long way after the demands of those they care for. [U]这些护士似乎能将自身的需要远远置于那些她们所照顾的人的要求之后。(saying) 'Unto thine own self be true' means only do what you think is right.只做你觉得是对的事情。