释义 |
scratch (obj) CUTskrAtFvto cut or damage (a surface) slightly with or on something sharp or rough抓;搔;擦;划We scratched the paintwork trying to get the bed into Martha's room. [T]我们试着把床搬进玛莎的房里,把漆都擦坏了。Be careful not to scratch your self on the roses. [T]当心不要被玫瑰刺扎伤。CDs are better than records because it doesn't matter if they get scratched. [T]激光唱片比唱片好,因为划伤后并无大碍。I don't like this sweater--it scratches (= makes the skin sore). [I]我不喜欢这件羊毛套衫----它穿着扎皮肤。(esp. Br) This pen scratches (= does not write smoothly). [I]这枝钢笔扎纸头。A few chickens were scratching about/around (= searching with their beaks) in the yard for grain. [I]几只鸡在院子里用嘴搜寻谷粒。(fig.) The editor of the local paper says he's really scratching around for (= having difficulty finding) stories this week. [I]当地报纸的编辑说这个星期他很费力地到处寻找新闻。If you scratch something on or off a surface, you add it or remove it by scratching.刻上/刮掉People have been scratching their names on this rock for years. [T]人们把自己的名字刻在这块岩石上已有多年了。I'm afraid I scratched some paint off the door as I was getting out of the car. [T]恐怕我下车时刮落了门上的一些油漆。If an animal scratches, it rubs something with the nails on its toes.用爪子抓,搔Don't worry about the cat. She doesn't scratch. [I]别害怕猫。它不会用爪子抓人。The dog's scratching at the door--he wants to be let in. [I]狗在用爪子抓门----它想进来。If you scratch your skin, you rub it with the nails on your fingers.用指甲搔Those mosquito bites will itch even more if you scratch them. [T]如果你搔抓蚊子咬过的地方,你会觉得更痒。Hannah scratched her head thoughtfully and wondered what she should do next. [T]汉娜一边思索一边抓头,弄不清接下来她该干什么。(fig.) A lot of people must be scratching their heads (= thinking very hard) and wondering how they will afford the tax increases.一定有许多人在苦思冥想如何才能付得起增长的税款。Would you scratch my back for me? I've got a dreadful itch and I can't reach it. [T]你能帮我挠背吗?我背上很痒却又够不到。The councillors gave the building contract to the company who had offered them financial support for their election campaign--it was a case of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours (= I'll help you if you'll help me).地方议员把建筑合同给了曾经资助过他们竞选的那家公司----这就叫互相捧场互惠互利。To scratch beneath the surface is to look beyond what is obvious.透过表面观察事物If you scratch beneath the surface you'll find she's really a very nice person.要是你深入地了解,你会发现她实在是个很好的人。