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score TWENTYHskC:5, $skC:rn [C]pl score esp. fml (a set or group of) 20 or approximately 20二十个;二十个左右We ordered three score (= 60) boxes.我们订了60箱。He lived to be three score years and ten (= until he was 70 years old).他活到70岁。The play has only been performed a score of (= approximately 20) times.这出戏只上演了20场左右。A score of countries have been quick to recognise the new state.大约20个国家很快承认了这个新政府。People are leaving the Nationalist Party by the score (= in large numbers).人们大批地退出国民党。"The days of our years are three score years and ten" (Bible, Psalm 90.10)“我们一生的年日是七十岁。”(《圣经·诗篇》)