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sal.va.tionsAl5veI7F[nn [U](a way of) being saved from danger, loss or harm救助,拯救;救助者,救星That blanket was my salvation when my car broke down in the snow.当我的车子在雪地里抛锚的时候,那条毯子是我的救星。The company is in trouble and the latest plan for its salvation has few supporters.公司遇到了麻烦,解救困境的最新计划没有多少支持者。Getting to know Mary was his salvation--she made him laugh and forget all his troubles.认识玛丽是他的运气----她使他发出笑声,忘记所有的烦恼。In the Christian religion, salvation of a person or their spirit is the state of being saved from evil and its effects by the death of Jesus Christ on a cross.(基督教)灵魂得救The Gospel message is one of personal salvation.福音的信息是个人救赎的信息。The Salvation Army (Br infml Sally Army, Aus infml Sallies)\\, is an international Christian organization whose members have military-style ranks and uniforms, have meetings with music, and work to help poor people.(基督教)救世军It's a Salvation Army hostel for homeless men and women.这是一家为无家可归者所设的救世军招待所。