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true REALtrU:adj [before n]-r, -st being what exists, rather than what was thought, intended or claimed; ACTUAL真的,真正的; 真实的; 实质的,根本的She discovered Matt's true colours (= real intentions) when he spent the night with another woman.因为曼特与另一个女人过夜,她发现了他的真正面目。There cannot be true democracy without reform of the electoral system.不改革选举制度, 就不会有真正的民主。It wasn't until daylight that the true extent of the catastrophe was revealed.天亮后受灾的真正程度才显露了出来。The true heir to the fortune was eventually identified with genetic tests.真正的财产继承人最后通过基因测试确认了下来。The true horror of the accident did not become clear until the following morning.直到第二天上午才清楚事故的真正惨状。She claims to know the true identity of the bombers.她声称知道投炸弹人的真实身份。Mark's new girlfriend seems really nice. Do you think it's true love this time?马克的新女友似乎很可爱。你认为这次是真爱吗?She earned a living teaching the piano, but her true love was the guitar.她教钢琴谋生, 但她真正喜欢的是吉他。During the London blitz it was felt that civilian morale would be at risk if the true nature of the devastation were revealed.在伦敦大空袭中据信如果受破坏的真实情况被披露的话, 民众的士气将难保。They've gone on a weekend meditation course to try and find their true selves (= discover what sort of people they really are).他们参加了一个周末的静思自省课,努力发现他们的真正自我。If a hope, wish or desire comes true, it happens even though it was unlikely that it would.(希望或欲望)实现, 成为现实I'd always dreamt of owning my own house, but I never thought it would come true.我总是梦想拥有我自己的房子, 但我从没想到这会成为现实。After all the problems I'd had getting pregnant, the birth of Jennifer was a dream come true (= was a wonderfully pleasing event).经历了怀孕的所有问题后, 詹妮弗的出生圆了我的梦。When my house burnt down it was my worst nightmare come true.房子烧毁,我最坏的恶梦变成了现实。(esp. Br) Julie's brother's so handsome it's not true (= is extremely and surprisingly attractive).朱利的哥哥帅得没法说。A true-life story is one that is based on real rather than imaginary events.写实的故事; 逼真的故事The film is based on the true-life story of a cancer sufferer.这部电影是基于一个癌症患者的真实故事拍摄的。The novel's plot was quite interesting but the characters weren't very true-to-life (= realistic).小说的情节趣味十足, 但人物并不那么真实。True north is the direction towards the top of the Earth along an imaginary line at an angle of 90° to the Equator. 真北(地球北极的方向, 沿着一条想象的直线与赤道成90度)True north runs parallel to the earth's axis.真北与地轴平行。"The course of true love never did run smooth" (Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream 1.1) “真爱的路途从来就不是平坦的”(莎士比亚 《仲夏夜之梦》)