释义 |
rare NOT COMMONHreE5, $reradj-r, -st not common and therefore sometimes valuable稀罕的,少有的My visits to the dentist are more rare than they should be.我很少去看牙医,其实应该多去。He's suffering from a rare disease/illness.他得了一种罕见的疾病。The museum is full of rare and precious treasures.博物馆里到处是稀有珍宝。The wildlife documentary described the rare species found in Madagascar.这部野生动物纪录片描绘了在马达加斯加发现的稀有种类。These sheep are a relatively/comparatively/extremely rare breed.这些羊是一种相对/比较/极其稀有的种类。This exhibition provides a rare opportunity to see all the painter's work together in one place.这个展览提供了一个在同一地方观看画家全部作品的难得机会。He likes to be alone, and only goes out on very rare occasions.他喜欢独处,只在很少时候外出。Having breakfast in bed is a rare treat (for me).在床上用早餐(对我来说)是难得的享受。It's rare for me to have this time to watch television. [+ to infinitive]我不大在这个时候看电视。It's rare to find these birds in England, but there is a small population of them in the north-west. [+ to infinitive]英格兰很少能发现这些鸟,但在西北部有一小群。The atmosphere or air around you at the top of a mountain is rare when it contains less oxygen and you find it harder to breathe.山顶四周的大气或空气稀薄,因为它含氧少,你会觉得呼吸困难。[RAREFIED]He's that rare bird (= unusual person), a barman who doesn't drink alcohol. (dated)他是个少见的人,一个不喝酒的酒吧店主。While their parents were out, the young people had a rare old time (= enjoyed themselves). (dated)父母不在家,这些年轻人便难得有了开心的时刻。(dated) We had a rare old time (= had difficulty) trying to get tickets on the Orient Express because it was so heavily booked.因为有很多人预订,我们试图买到东方特快列车的车票碰上不少困难。