释义 |
pure MORALLY GOODHpjJE5, $pjJradj-r, -st behaving in a morally good way, or not having sex(道德)纯洁, 清白的Mr Singh has taken a Sikh vow to lead a pure life, and not to drink, smoke or eat meat.辛格先生发了锡克教的誓言,过纯洁的生活,不吸烟,不喝酒,不吃肉。In his sermon, the priest encouraged the members of his congregation to think only pure thoughts.在布道中,牧师鼓励他教区的教徒思想纯洁,没有邪念。He invited me up to his flat for coffee, but I didn't think that his motives were entirely pure, and I said no.他请我上他的公寓去喝咖啡,可我认为他的动机不完全纯洁,所以我拒绝了。In many cultures, it is considered important for a woman to keep herself pure (= not to have sex) until she marries.在许多文化中,妇女在结婚前保持贞洁是很重要的。If someone is (as) pure as the driven snow, they behave in a morally very good way, or do not have sex.(道德)纯洁无瑕It's all very well for you to criticize my behaviour, but you're not exactly as pure as the driven snow yourself.你完全可以批评我的行为,可你自己也不是纯洁无瑕的。"Blessed are the pure in heart" (Bible, St Matthew 5.8)“清心的人有福了”(《圣经·马太福音》)