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pub.lic PEOPLE5pQb7lIkadj [not gradable]relating to or involving people in general, rather than being limited to a particular group of people公众的Public pressure was successful in getting the speed limit reduced outside the school.公众压力成功地使学校外面的车速降低了。All the hotel's public rooms, such as the dining room, are very luxuriously furnished.大旅馆所有的公共房间,比如说餐厅,都装修得非常豪华。They wanted to increase public awareness of the dangers of AIDS.他们想增强公众对于艾滋病的危险的认识。The disclosure of information will not be a criminal offence if it can be shown that it was in the public interest (= that people ought to know about it).如果表明某一信息有关公众利益,那么披露这一信息不会是犯罪。Peaceful demonstrations that do not cause a public nuisance (= do not harm other people) are a fundamental right in any truly democratic country.不会造成社会公害的和平示威是任何真正民主国家里的基本权利。There has been a change in public opinion (= what people think) over recent years and provision for smokers has been reduced in public places.近几年公众的观念有了变化,在公共场合为吸烟者提供的方便减少了。A recent public opinion poll revealed that many people prefer houses with gardens, however small.最近一次民意测验显示,许多人更偏爱带花园的房子,不管多小都可以。The results will not be made public (= told to everyone) until tomorrow.结果要到明天才会公布。We will not go public with (= tell people in general) the results until tomorrow.我们要到明天才会公布结果。If something, esp. information or knowledge, is in the public domain it is available for everyone to use without needing permission.不受版权(专利权)限制If you are in the public eye you are a famous person who is written about in newspapers and magazines and seen on television.受人瞩目的名人A public address (abbreviation PA) (system) is equipment used to make voices or music loud so that many people can hear them.扩音器,扩音装备I heard my name being called over the public address.我听到扩音器里叫我的名字。A public bar is a drinking room in a PUB with plainer furniture and sometimes lower prices than in the other drinking rooms.(酒店里装修简朴、价钱便宜的)公共酒吧部分A public company is a business which is owned by many people who have bought shares in it.公开招股公司(esp. Br and Aus fml) A public convenience is a building containing toilets that are available for everyone to use.公共厕所Computer programs that are public domain are available without charge for everyone to use.不受专利权限制的计算机程序Public enemy number one/no. 1 is a person or organization that has committed a serious crime.头号人民公敌Their policy on dumping waste has made the company public enemy no. 1.这个公司倾倒废物的政策使之成为头号人民公敌。A public figure\\, or someone who is in public life, is famous because of what they do, and is written about in newspapers and magazines or is often on television or the radio.知名人士A public holiday is a day when almost everyone in a particular country does not have to go to work or school.公假日New Year's Day is a public holiday in many countries.元旦在许多国家是公假日。(Br) Public house is fml for PUB.酒店,酒吧Public relations (abbreviation PR) is the activity of keeping good relationships between an organization and the people outside it.公共关系Environmentalists attacked the company's ad as a public-relations exercise.环境保护论者抨击这个公司的广告是搞公共关系。In England, a public school is a private school (= paid for by parents not the government) at which girls aged from 11 to 18 and boys aged from 13 to 18 usually live while they study.(英格兰的)公学(一种贵族化的私立学校)☆ PUBLIC 中的 public school Schools and colleges(approving) If you do something which is public-spirited, you do something good for society without expecting a reward.出于为公众服务的精神The supermarket has made a public-spirited donation towards the repair of the church.那个超级市场出于为公众服务的精神为修复教堂捐钱。Public transport (Am usually public transportation or mass transit) is a system of vehicles such as buses and trains which operate at regular times on fixed routes and are used by the public.公共交通Greater investment in public transport would keep more cars off the roads.更多地投资于公共交通事业将会减少公路上小汽车的数量。