释义 |
pri.vi.lege5prIv7[l7IdVna special advantage, opportunity or honour possessed by a particular person or group特权; 特别待遇; 特殊荣幸As a senior executive, you will enjoy certain privileges, such as free health insurance and the right to buy shares in the company. [C]作为一名高级决策人员,你能享受某些特权,如免费健康保险和购买公司股票的权利。As a teenager, she felt that living in Manhattan was a privilege she was lucky to have. [C]当她十几岁时,感到住在曼哈顿是她幸运地拥有的一个特权。I had the privilege of interviewing Picasso in the 1960s. [C]我在20世纪60年代很荣幸地采访了毕加索。It would be a privilege to be taught by such a famous violinist. [C + to infinitive]能得到这么著名的小提琴家的指教真是莫大的荣幸。(humorous) We had a pretty awful dinner at the hotel and had to pay £40 for the privilege. [C]我们在旅馆吃了一份特别糟糕的晚餐,并得为这份特殊待遇支付40英镑。The children of the rich and powerful experience privilege from birth. [U]有钱有势人家的孩子从出生起就受到特别对待。The official privilege possessed by people in authority allows them to do or say things that other people are not allowed to do.特权; 特免She has/enjoys diplomatic privilege and so she cannot be prosecuted in the normal way. [U]她享受外交特权,所以不能以正常途径起诉她。