释义 |
prej.u.dice obj5predV7J7dIsv [T]If someone or something prejudices you, they influence you unfairly so that you form an unreasonable opinion about something.使有成见,使有偏见,使有歧视The prosecutor has been accused of prejudicing the jury and preventing the defendant from getting a fair trial.原告被指控使陪审团产生偏见并阻碍被告获得公正判决。British law prohibits newspapers from publishing information that might prejudice criminal cases before they go to court.英国法律禁止报纸在刑事案子审判前刊登会产生偏见的消息。His unhappy childhood has prejudiced him against having children.他悲伤的童年使他对生孩子产生了偏见。(fml) If something or someone prejudices something else, they have a harmful influence on it.对…不利,损害The fact that you were late all this week may prejudice your chances of getting a promotion.本周你一直迟到的事实将不利于你的提升。The pursuit of high productivity is prejudicing the quality of service.对高生产率的追求损害了服务质量。