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pompHpBmp, $pB:mpn [U]splendid and colourful ceremony, esp. traditional ceremony on public occasions典礼,盛典,盛况I remember the pomp of the Coronation as if it were yesterday.我对加冕典礼记忆犹新,就像发生在昨天一样。The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.以所有迎接来访政府首脑的传统仪式接待了这位总理。Despite all the pomp of the Archbishop's position, he has only limited powers.大主教的职位虽然显赫,但权力很有限。Pomp and circumstance is formal ceremony.正式庆典,仪式They opened the new shop with great pomp and circumstance.他们新店开张时举行了盛大的仪式。