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poi.son obj5pCI7z[nv [T]To poison a person or animal is to kill them or make them very ill by giving them poison.毒杀,毒害,使中毒Four members of the family had been poisoned, but not fatally.这家的四口人被毒害,但未致命。Hundreds of wild animals had been poisoned by the insecticide sprays.数百只野生动物由于喷射杀虫剂而被毒死。If you poison someone's food or drink, you put poison in it.放毒,下毒He said that someone had poisoned his coffee.他说有人在他咖啡里下了毒。If something such as water or air has been poisoned, dangerous chemicals or other harmful substances have been added to it.使受污染,使受感染The chemical leak had poisoned the water supply.化学物质的泄漏污染了供水。If you poison a friendship or another situation, you spoil it by making it very unpleasant.破坏,伤害The long dispute has poisoned relations between the two countries.长期的纠纷损害了两国关系。(disapproving) If you poison someone's mind against someone else, you make them believe unpleasant things about the other person which are not true.使某人对…产生恶感Don't believe a word she says about me -- she's just trying to poison your mind against me.她对你说的有关我的话一句也别信----她想使你对我产生恶感。A poisoned chalice is something which seems very good when it is first received, but which in fact does great harm to the person who receives it.刚收到时觉得不错,但却对人有害的东西The leadership of the party turned out to be a poisoned chalice.该党的领导职位是个拿了觉得有利但实际却有害的位置。