释义 |
pig.ment5pIg7mEntna substance which gives something a particular colour when it is present in it, added to it or mixed with it色素Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin and eyes which is present in varying amounts in people of all races. [C]黑色素是黑褐色色素, 以不等的数量存在于各种族人的头发,皮肤,眼睛中的。There is concern that some of the modelling clay may contain lead-based colour pigments which produce long-term health hazards. [C]有人担心一些造型黏土中有含铅的色素会对人体产生永久的伤害。Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, vegetable gum or wax to make paint. [U]色素被混入油、胶、鸡蛋、菜胶或蜡中制成颜料。