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pen.al.tyH5pen7[l7ti, $-tinA penalty is a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law.刑罚Those suspected of activities for which the penalty is less than two years'imprisonment will be tried in ordinary civilian courts. [C]刑罚在两年以下的被控告者会在一般民事法庭受审。The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. [C]该法令的刑罚为3年以内监禁。They asked for the maximum penalty for hoax calls to be increased to one year. [C]他们请求打恶作剧电话的刑罚最长增至一年。The sign next to the lifebelt said 'Penalty for improper use £50'. [C]救生带旁边的标牌上写着“使用不当罚款50英镑”。The protesters were told to clear the area around the building, on penalty of (= the punishment would be) arrest if they did not. [U]抗议者被告知离开大楼周围的地区,否则将要被捕。A penalty is also a type of punishment, often involving paying money, that is given to you if you break an agreement or do not follow rules.罚金Currently, ticket holders pay a penalty equal to 25% of the ticket price when they change their flight plans. [C]目前,持票人若改变飞行计划要付相当于票面25%的罚金。There was a penalty clause which said you had to pay half the cost if you cancelled your booking.有一项罚金条款标明,若你方取消订票则必须支付二分之一的费用。Will this change eliminate the higher premium penalty that people must pay if they join the insurance scheme later in life? [C]这项更改是否取消人们在后半生才入保险所必须付的更高保险费?In sport, a penalty is an advantage given to a team/player when the other team/player breaks a rule.罚球The referee awarded (= gave) a penalty/a penalty kick. [C]裁判判了一个点球。Hysen handled the ball and conceded the penalty that gave Manchester United the lead. [C]海森控制球犯规,使曼彻斯特联队有了一次罚点球的机会并由此获胜。The goalkeeper raced from goal and beyond the penalty area/penalty box (= in football, the area marked with white lines in front of the goal) to clear the ball away.守门员飞快跑出球门,出了罚球区以便把球踢开。The game was decided by a penalty shoot-out (= in football, a way of deciding who will win a game in which both teams finished with the same number of goals, by each team taking turns to have a set number of kicks at the goal.)比赛最后以互射点球决定胜负。Bruce scored his 11th goal of the season from the penalty spot (= in football, the place marked with a white spot from which a penalty kick is taken).布鲁斯从罚球点射进了本赛季他的第11个球。In ice hockey, a penalty box is an area where players must sit when they are given a penalty.受罚席