释义 |
par.a.doxH5pAr7E7dBks, $5per7E7dB:ksna situation, fact or statement which seems impossible and/or difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics自相矛盾的话,乖谬悖理之事It is a paradox that the French eat so much rich food and yet have a relatively low rate of heart disease. [C + that clause]法国人吃这么多油腻的食品而心脏病的发病率却相对较低,这实在是怪事。The statement "I am a liar" is a paradox because if the statement is true, it must be false and if it is false, it must be true. [C]“我是个说谎者”这句话是矛盾的,因为如果说的是事实,他就没有说谎; 如果说的不是事实,他倒是说了谎。Her stories are full of mystery and paradox. [U]她写的故事充满了神秘和佯谬。