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pa.perH5peI7pE5, $-Lna thin flat material made from crushed wood and/or cloth used esp. for writing, printing or drawing on纸a piece/sheet of paper一张纸a packet of writing paper (= for writing letters to other people) [U]一包信纸Dictionaries are usually printed on thin paper. [U]字典通常印在薄的纸上。a paper bag纸袋a paper towel纸巾This card is printed on recycled paper (= paper made from used paper). [U]这张卡片是印在再生纸上的。A paper is also a newspaper.报纸a daily/weekly/local/national paper [C]日报、周报、地方性报纸、全国性报纸The news was on the front page of all the papers. [C]这条新闻登在各家报纸的头版.(Br and Aus) A paper is also a set of printed questions that is used as (part of) an exam.考卷Candidates must answer two questions from each paper. [C]候选人必须回答每张考卷上的两个问题。The geography paper is not till next week. [C]地理考卷要到下个星期。A paper is also a piece of writing on a particular subject written by an expert in that subject and usually published in a book or JOURNAL (= serious magazine) or read aloud to other people.论文He's giving a paper on thermodynamics at a conference at Manchester University. [C]他正在曼彻斯特大学召开的热力学会议上递交一篇论文。Paper is also Am for ESSAY.文章Ms Jones thought my history paper was terrific. [C]琼斯女士认为我的历史论文太精采了。Paper is also short for WALLPAPER (= paper used for covering the inside walls of a room).墙纸I think (a) pretty flower-pattern paper might look nice in the children's bedroom. [C/U]我认为漂亮的花卉图型的墙纸贴在儿童卧室里可能很好看。Get the idea down on paper (= write it) before you forget it. [U]在你忘记之前把这个想法写下来。She works on paper (= writes things on paper) because she hates computers. [U]她在纸上写作因为她不喜欢电脑。The design looks good on paper (= as an idea) but would a real machine actually work?这项设计从图纸上看不错,但是真的机器实际能工作吗?On paper (= from his accounts) he's very rich, but he never has any money!从帐户上看他挺阔气,但他口袋里从来就没几个钱!Several candidates looked good on paper (= had good qualifications) but failed the interview.有几个候选人从申请表上看条件不错但是面试都未通过。A paper clip is a small piece of bent wire used for holding pieces of paper together.纸夹(回形针)A paper knife (also esp. Am letter opener) is a type of knife used esp. to open envelopes.裁纸刀Paper money is money in paper form, rather than coins.纸币(与硬币相对)A paper profit is one that is shown in financial records but which has not yet been made by the company, esp. because they are waiting for payments they are owed.帐面上的利润The company made a paper profit last year, but they still got rid of six staff.从帐面上看,这家公司去年算起来还是盈利的,但他们还是解雇了6名人员。A (Br) paper round/(Am) paper route is a job, usually done by children, delivering newspapers to people's homes.送报A paper shop is a shop which sells newspapers.报亭I'm just popping down to the paper shop, I won't be long.我顺便去那报亭里看看,不会呆得很久的。If something is paper thin it is very thin.薄如纸张的,极薄的paper thin layers of pastry极薄的几层糕paper thin walls极薄的墙壁(disapproving) A paper tiger is something, such as an enemy or foreign country, that seems very strong and very dangerous, but is really weak and harmless.纸老虎The superpower was suddenly revealed as a paper tiger.这个超级大国突然被揭示是只纸老虎。He was easy to find, he left a paper trail (= documents that showed a record of his activities) a mile wide.很容易找到他的,因为从他写的东西中我们可以找到很多线索。"All reactionaries are paper tigers" (Mao Tse-Tung, 1946)“一切反动派都是纸老虎”(毛泽东)