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own BELONGINGHEJn, $oJndeterminer, pronounbelonging to or for, or kept by, a particular person or thing自己的I'd like to have my (very) own car (= to have a car that belongs just to me, and which I don't have to share or borrow).我想有自己的汽车。She makes all her own bread (= makes her bread herself).她吃的面包全都自己做。I'm going to be out tonight, so you'll have to get your own dinner (= prepare it yourself).我今天晚上要出去,所以你得自己做晚饭。Was that your own idea (= Did you think of it by yourself or did someone suggest it to you)?那是你自己的主意吗?These paintings are all my own work (= I did them by myself, without help from anyone).这些画全是我自己的作品。You'll have to make up your own mind (= decide by yourself) what you want to do.你得自己打定主意究竟想做什么。My own opinion (= The opinion I have) of the matter is that it's better not to say anything about it.我自己对这件事的看法是不去谈它更好。I don't think Clare will be able to help you -- she has her own problems to deal with.我想克莱尔将不能帮助你----她有她自己的问题要处理。Each neighbourhood in New York has its own characteristics.纽约的每一个居民小区都有其自己的特点。I'd never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes/heard it with my own ears.如果我不是亲眼看见/亲耳听见,我是决不会相信的。"Is that your mum's car?" "No, it's my own (= it belongs to me)."“那是你妈妈的车吗?”“不,它是我自己的。”It's time he left home and found a house of his own.到了他离开家找自己房子的时候了。My daughter now has a daughter of her own.我女儿现在有了她自己的女儿。She has reasons of her own for not wanting to say where she was last night.她有她自己的理由不想说出昨夜在哪里。James Joyce wrote in a style that was all his own (= that was not like that of anyone else).詹姆斯·乔伊斯以完全是他自己的风格写作。Now that he's retired, his time is his own (= he can spend his time in any way that he wants to).既然他退休了,他的时间就是他自己的了。We like to take care of our own (= take care of people who are members of our family, or who work for us).我们喜欢照顾自己人。Eileen really comes into her own (= shows her true qualities and value) in a crisis.艾琳在危机时刻真正显出了她的本色。If you do something in your own time you do it at the speed at which you want to work.不慌不忙地Don't rush to finish those notes today -- just do them in your own time.今天不要急着完成那些注解----慢条斯理地干。In your own time also means when you are not officially working.业余时间I'll have to look at/do these reports in my own time -- I'm too busy at work.我只能用业余的时间看/做这些报道----我上班时太忙了。I'm studying English for its own sake (= because it is interesting and enjoyable, not because I need to or have to).我学英语只是因为英语有意思。(infml) I'll get my own back (on you) one day (= I will do something harmful to you because you did something harmful to me).总有一天我会对你报复。If you say that someone is their own man/woman/person, it means that they are in control of their lives, and do not allow other people to tell them what to do.独立自主Nobody tells me how to live my life -- I'm my own man.没有人告诉我怎样来生活----我自有主张。Edith Piaf made the song "Je ne regrette rien" (all) her own (= She was famous for singing it and people thought of it as belonging to her).伊迪丝·皮阿夫把《我永不悔》这首歌变成她的专利。I like living (all) on my own (= alone).我喜欢单独一个人生活。I did my buttons up (all) on my own (= without help from anyone else), Mummy.妈妈,我的钮扣全是我自己扣上的。(Br infml) As an entertainer, she's on her own (= she is unusually good).作为一个表演者,她出类拔萃。If you say to someone on your own head be it you are saying that they will have to take full responsibility for what they plan to do.责任自负It's hard to believe that he could treat his own flesh and blood (= family) so badly.很难相信他会对自己的骨肉这么狠心。I always buy (Br) own brand/label (Am store brand/label, Aus generic brand/label) goods (= goods in a shop marked with the name of the shop rather than that of the company which has produced them) if I can.我总是尽量买有商店商标的商品。An own goal is a point scored unintentionally by a player for the opposing team or (fig.) an act which unintentionally helps someone else and is harmful to yourself.乌龙球, 无意中帮了他人害了自己One spectacular own goal was when the research department suggested that a drug made by a rival company caused cancer -- and were later proved wrong.研究部门提出一家竞争对手公司研制的药引起了癌症----而过后又被证明是错误的,真是搬起石头砸自己脚。"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction" (Virginia Woolf in the book A Room of One's Own, 1929 )“如果一个女人要写小说,她必须有钱和有属于自己的一个房间。”(摘自弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫《自己的房间》)