释义 |
one NUMBERwQnn, determinerpronoun (the number) 1(数字)1One is the smallest whole number. [U]1是所有整数中最小的。Three ones are three. [C]3个1等于3。We have two daughters and one son.我们有两个女儿,一个儿子。She'll be one-year old tomorrow.她明天1岁了。The number 1 111 101 in words is one million, one hundred and eleven thousand, one hundred and one.数字1 111 101用文字表示就是一百一十一万一千一百零一。Americans drive one third of the 400 million cars on the planet.在这颗行星上美国人驾驶着占4亿辆汽车总数1/3的汽车。They bought two terraced houses next door to each other and turned them into one.他们买了一排房子中相邻的两幢房屋,然后把它们合成了一幢。Four parcels came this morning, but only one was for Mark.今天早上来了4个包裹,但是只有1个是给马克的。(Br and Aus infml dated) "When he told me I couldn't have the job, I told him I never really wanted it in the first place." "Ooh, you are a one (= someone who shows a lack of respect or is rude in an amusing way)."“当他告诉我,我不可能得到这个工作时,我对他说我压根儿就未真正想要过它。”“哦,你真是个大胆的人。”(literary) The news of his resignation came as a surprise to one and all (= everyone).他辞职的消息传来,令每个人都感到吃惊。(fml) We have discussed the matter fully and are as one (= in complete agreement) on our decision.我们已经充分讨论过了这个问题,并就我们的决定达成了一致。(fml) We disagree on most things, but on this question we are at one (= we completely agree) with each other.在很多问题上我们持有不同的意见,但是在这个问题上我们之间的意见完全一致。The rest of you may disagree, but I, for one (= even if you do not), think we should proceed with the plan.你们大家可能不同意,但是拿我来说,我认为我们应该继续执行这项计划。He thinks it's really cool to drink a pint of beer down in one (= all at the same time).他认为一口气喝下一品脱啤酒实在是太妙了。With this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck (all) in one (= combined in a single thing).这种样式兼有收音机、激光唱机和卡带转盘。(infml) I threatened to land/sock him one (= hit him) (on the jaw) if he insulted me again.我威胁要是他再侮辱我的话,就(在颚上)给他一拳。Things that happen one after another/one after the other happen one at a time in a series.一个接一个I can happily eat chocolates one after the other until the box is finished.我可以快活地一块接着一块地吃巧克力,直到盒子空了为止。One politician after another has promised to support our campaign, but none of them has done anything yet.一个又一个政治家许诺过要支持我们的运动,但是还没有一个人做出过任何举动。I've only had one or two (= a few) cigarettes in my whole life.在我的整个一生中我只抽过一两支烟。We expected a flood of applications for the job, but we're only receiving them in ones and twos (= in small amounts).我们期待着纷沓而至的求职信,但是我们只三三两两地收到一些。A hundred/thousand/million and one means very many.极多, 非常多I can't stand around chatting -- I've got a hundred and one things to do this morning.我不可能站着和人闲谈----今天早上我有上百件事要做。There's a thousand and one ways of persuading people to give you money.有上千种办法可以说服人们给你钱。To be one of a group of people or things is to be a member of that group.…中之一The money was here this morning so one of you must have taken it.今天早上钱还在这里,所以必定是你们中的一个拿走了它。One of our daughters has just got married.我的一个女儿刚结婚。Paula's had another one of her crazy ideas.葆拉又有另外一个疯狂的想法了。PolyGram is one of the (world's) largest record companies.宝丽金是(世界上)最大的唱片公司之一。Luxembourg is one of the (world's) smallest countries.卢森堡是(世界上)最小的国家之一。Dr McKusick is one of the (world's) leading experts on human genetics.麦克库锡克博士在人类遗传学方面是(世界上)领先的专家之一。Shirley Williams was one of the founders of the Social Democratic Party.雪利·威廉姆斯是社会民主党的创建人之一。Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest challenges facing medical researchers.寻找癌症的医治方法是医学研究者们所面临的最大挑战之一。Our organization is just one of many charities that are providing famine relief in the region.我们的组织只是众多慈善机构中的一个,给这个地区提供饥荒救济。We've known Albert for thirty years and he's become one of the family (= he's become very close to us and is like a member of the family).我们认识艾伯特已经有30年了,他已成为我们家庭中的一员。If you are one up on someone, you have an advantage that they do not have.超过, 略胜一筹He's always trying to get one up on his brother.他总是试图超过他的兄弟。(esp. Am and Aus) A one-armed bandit is an old-fashioned type of slot machine.老式吃角子老虎机 [SLOT ]Something that is one-dimensional has either height or width or length, but not two or all of these.一维的A line is one-dimensional, a square is two-dimensional, and a cube is three-dimensional.直线是一维的,正方形是二维的,立方体是三维的。Something that is one-dimensional is boring or lacks variety.乏味的, 缺少变化的The characters in his novels tend to be rather one-dimensional.他小说中的人物往往很乏味。If you do something one-handed, you use just one hand to do it.用单手的He's injured his left arm and can only type one-handed.他的左胳膊受伤了,只能用一只手打字。A one-hit wonder is performer of popular music who makes one successful recording but then no others.只有一首成名曲的歌手A one-horse race is a race or competition which only one of the competitors has a real chance of winning.一个参加者遥遥领先的竞赛This election has been a one-horse race right from the start.这场选举从一开始起就是一场只有一人获胜的竞选。(esp. Am and Aus) A one-horse town is a town that is small and unimportant.小镇, 不重要的小地方Santa Cruz was a one-horse town 20 years ago, but the drugs trade has helped turn it into a boom town.圣克鲁斯20年前还是一个乡村小镇,然而毒品买卖已经把它变成了一个兴旺的城镇。A one-liner is a joke or a clever and amusing remark or answer which is usually one sentence long.(单句的)俏皮话, 打趣话The best bits of the film are the witty one-liners.这部电影中最好的地方是那些诙谐的单句俏皮话。A one-man band is a musician who performs alone, usually outside, carrying and playing several instruments at the same time.一人乐队(fig.) The organization seems to have become a one-man band with just one person making all the decisions.只一个人就做出了所有的决定,这个组织似乎成了一个一人乐队。A one-night stand is a musical or theatrical performance that happens once in a particular place.(剧团等在某地)一夜演出Steve and Andy are doing a one-night stand in Durham followed by a couple of nights in Newcastle.斯蒂夫和安迪正在达勒姆作一夜演出,紧接着他们要在纽卡斯尔演出几晚。A one-night stand is also a sexual relationship which begins and ends on the same night or evening.一夜夫妻关系I'd rather have a long-term relationship than a series of one-night stands.我宁愿发展一种长期的关系而不要一连串地做露水夫妻。A (Br and Aus) one-off/(Am) one-shot is something that happens or is made or done only once.一次性的The Prime Minister described his party's defeat in the by-election as a one-off which would not be repeated in the general election.首相说他的党派在补缺选举中的失败是一次性的,这种失败不会再在普选时出现。They gave him a one-shot payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work.他们一次性支付给他一笔钱来补偿他必须进行的额外工作时间。(Am) In sports, if something is done one-on-one, it means that each player from one team is matched to a single player from the other team.(运动)一对一的The Knicks can shift from a zone defence to one-on-one at the drop of a hat.尼克斯队能随时从区域防御转换为一对一防守。 [本词条中的one-to-one]A one-parent family (also single-parent family) is a family which includes either a mother or a father but not both.单亲家庭The increased number of divorces and children born outside marriage has led to the rise in one-parent families.离婚数的上升及私生子的增多导致了单亲家庭的增多。A one-person/one-man/one-woman play or show is a performance or show of artistic works by just one person.独角戏This is the first time her one-woman show has been on television.这是她的独角女人戏第一次上电视。(fig.) For many years his business was a one-man show and he worked entirely on his own.很多年来他的生意是由他在唱独角戏,完全由他自己在经营。A (Br and Aus) one-piece/(Am usually) one-piece swimsuit is an item of women's clothing that is worn when swimming or on a beach and consists of a single piece of material rather than a separate top and bottom.连衣裤泳装Their range of swimwear includes one-pieces and bikinis.他们的系列泳装包括连衣裤式的和比基尼式的。If something is one-sided, it is not balanced, and one side has a big advantage over the other.不均衡的, 片面的They blamed their defeat on the media's one-sided reporting of the election campaign.他们把失败归咎于舆论媒介对竞选运动的报道一边倒。His presentation of the evidence was one-sided and told only part of the story.他对证据的表述是片面的,他只说了事件的一部分。She alienated many members of the audience with the one-sidedness of her speech.由于她发言的片面性,许多听众和她疏远了。(esp. Am) A one-size-fits-all piece of clothing is designed to fit a person of any size.均码的(衣服)We only stock one-size-fits-all T-shirts.我们只供应均码的T恤衫。(fig.) This is a one-size-fits-all solution which will satisfy no-one completely.这是一个各方都照顾一点的办法,它不会使任何人完全满意。A one-star hotel or restaurant is one which is not especially good but has achieved the lowest acceptable standard in an official quality test.一星级的We used to stay in one-star hotels, but now we feel it's worth paying a bit extra for a two-star.我们过去常常住一星级旅馆,但是现在我们感到值得多付一点钱住两星级旅店。One-stop activities involve stopping at a single place.一门式的One-stop shopping for hardware and software has made buying a computer system as easy as buying a television.在一个地方就能购买计算机硬件和软件使得购买计算机系统和买电视机一样容易。We offer our customers one-stop banking services and investment advice.我们给顾客提供一门式银行服务和投资建议。She is a television presenter and one-time (= was once but is no longer a) journalist.她是个电视节目主持人,曾经当过记者。Something that is in a one-to-one relationship with another thing strongly influences the way that the other thing changes.大力影响对方的Is there a one-to-one relationship between pay levels and productivity?工资水平和生产率之间有相互大力影响的关系吗?A one-to-one/(Am also) one-on-one activity involves just two people working together.面对面的, 一对一的These children have special educational needs and require one-to-one attention.这些孩子需要进行特别教育,他们需要面对面的关注。[本词条内的one-on-one]Someone who has a one-track mind tends to think about one particular thing and nothing else.单向偏狭的思路People say I've got a one-track mind, but I am interested in things apart from sex.别人说我的思路单一狭隘,但是我除了性以外对其他的东西也感兴趣。She has a one-track mind and is only bothered about making money these days.她的思路狭隘单一,近来只是在为挣钱焦虑费心。(Am) If someone or something receives a one-two punch, two difficult things happen to them in a short time.接连的两件棘手事, 连着两下沉重打击An earthquake and riots in the same week was a real one-two punch for the local community.在一个星期里既发生了地震又发生了暴乱,这对当地的群众来说实在是一连两下沉重的打击。One-upmanship or one-upping is an activity or skill which results in someone getting an advantage over someone else, or doing something better than them.取巧胜人的本事I'm fed up with Pat's one-upmanship and the way she always buys something slightly better than I've just bought.我对帕特胜人一筹的本事以及她总是买到好过我所买的东西感到不满。One-way describes something that travels or allows travel in only one direction.单向的, 单程的She got a warning from the police for driving the wrong way down a one-way street.她因为在单行道上开错了方向而从警察那里收到一张警告单。(esp. Am) The one-way fare (Br and Aus usually A single) to Cambridge is £14.50.到剑桥的单程车费为14.5英镑。(esp. Am) How much is a one-way (ticket) (Br and Aus usually a single) to New York?到纽约的单程票多少钱一张?(fig.) Rejection of the peace deal would be a one-way ticket to disaster.拒绝和平协议会无法挽回地导致灾难。(fig.) He didn't say much and it was a bit of a one-way conversation.他没有说很多话,这多少有点像是一次单向的交谈。