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tra.di.tiontrE5dIF7[nna belief, principle or way of acting which people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these in a particular group or society considered as a whole传统; 传统的(信仰,习俗)Fireworks have long been an American tradition on the Fourth of July. [C] 7月4日放烟火长期以来是美国人的传统。Switzerland has a long tradition of neutrality. [C]瑞士长期以来有保持中立的传统。The villagers still follow the old/ancient tradition of women and children sitting on one side of the church and men on the other. [C]村民们依然遵循旧/古老的传统,妇女和孩子坐在教堂的一边,男人坐在另一边。"My great-great-grandmother began brewing in 1795 and there has been a family tradition of brewing ever since, " he said. [C] “我的高祖母1795 年开始酿酒,从那以后我家就有了酿酒的传统,”他说。I think children should learn about religious traditions other than their own. [C]我觉得孩子们应该了解一点其他宗教的传统。There's a tradition in our office that when it's somebody's birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share. [C + that clause]在我们办公室里有一个传统,当有人生日时,就带个蛋糕来和我们大家一起分享。It was breaking (with) (= ending) a 600-year-old tradition when the university started taking women students. [C]当这所大学开始接受女学生时,它打破了长达600年的传统。There is a great tradition of dance (= a lot of dances have been created and performed) in St. Petersburg. [C]圣彼得堡有舞蹈的伟大传统。His paintings are in the tradition of (= have features similar to) those of Bacon and Spencer. [C]他的画有和培根及斯宾塞相似的特征。Her poetry is deeply rooted in Irish tradition. [U]她的诗深深地扎根于爱尔兰传统中。According to tradition, a headless ghost walks through the corridors of the house at night. [U]据传说,晚上有个无头鬼穿过房子的走廊。The Dinka people of north Africa are cattle-farmers by tradition. [U]传统上北非的丁卡人都是养牛的。