释义 |
mys.te.ryH5mIs7t[r7i, $-tL-, 5-trinsomething strange or unknown which has not yet been explained or understood神秘的事物,难以理解的事物,谜How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery. [C]巨石怎样从几百英里之外运来的仍然是个谜。The mystery was solved when the police discovered the murder weapon. [C]当警察发现了凶手的武器后,谜被解开了。His disappearance remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of recent times. [C]他的失踪仍是当代重大的悬而未决的谜之一。The behaviour of the animals in this situation is a mystery that scientists are finding difficult to unravel (= solve). [C]动物在这种情景下的行为是科学家们难以解释的谜。He never abandoned the idea that he might solve the mystery of his friends'disappearance. [C]有朝一日会解开他朋友失踪之谜,他从不放弃这一想法。The book tries to explain some of the mysteries of creation/life. [C]该书试图解释一些创世/生命之谜。An element of mystery always adds excitement to a story. [U]悬念的成分总会使故事更加激动人心。The visitor had an air of mystery. [U]来客有种神秘的气质。The details of the scandal remain cloaked/shrouded/wrapped in mystery. [U]丑闻的详情仍被掩盖/遮掩/包在秘密中。Apparently he didn't have another job to go to and mystery surrounds his reasons for leaving. [U]看来他没有其它工作可做,他为什么离去是个谜。Her visit to France is (something of) a mystery ( to us) (= we do not understand why she went).她的法国之行令我们困惑。It's a complete mystery ( to me) that/why (= I do not understand why) she married him at all!我根本弄不懂她为什么要嫁给他!A mystery is also a book, film or play, esp. about a crime or a murder, with a surprise ending which explains all the strange events that have happened.侦探小说,侦探(电影)片,神秘剧I really enjoy murder mysteries. [C]我喜欢看凶杀推理作品。My favourite authors are all mystery writers.我最喜欢的作家都是侦探推理小说家。A mystery guest or a mystery voice is a person you cannot see or recognize immediately.神秘客; 无名嘉宾Each week the TV show has a mystery guest.每星期电视节目中都有一位神秘嘉宾。Listeners phoned in to try to guess who was the mystery voice.听众打进电话想猜出谁是无名嘉宾。A mystery tour is a short journey, esp. with a group of other people in a bus, to visit places which are kept secret from you until you get there.神秘旅行"Magical Mystery Tour" (title of a song and a film by The Beatles, 1967)《魔幻的神秘之旅》(披头士乐队的一首歌和一部电影的名称)