释义 |
mo.bileH5mEJ7baIl, $5moJ7b[ladjable to move freely or be easily moved活动的,移动式的,流动的You've broken your ankle but you'll be fully mobile (= able to walk as usual) within a couple of months.你弄折了你的脚踝,但是你会在几个月内活动自如。A mobile home is a movable building, often on wheels, which people live in and which usually stays in one place, but it can be moved using a vehicle or sometimes its own engine.活动住房(Br and Aus) A mobile library (Am bookmobile) is a large road vehicle which travels around, esp. in the countryside, carrying books for people to borrow.流动图书馆,图书馆服务车A mobile phone (also mobile telephone) is a telephone which is connected to the telephone system by radio, rather than by a wire, and can therefore be used anywhere where its signals can be received.移动电话