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means MONEYmi:nzpl nmoney, for example from an income, that allows you to buy things钱财,财力,财富He has the means to be able to buy half the houses in the street if he wanted to. [+ to infinitive]只要他愿意,他有足够的财力买下这条街上的半数房产。(dated or fml) She has private means (= income received without working for it).她有私产。If you live beyond your means you spend more money than you receive as income.入不敷出,支大于收If you live within your means, you do not spend more money than you receive as income.量入为出,收大于支They described him as a man of means (= a rich man).他们将他形容成一个富翁。A means test measures how much income a person has in order to decide whether they should receive money, esp. from the government, for a particular purpose.经济情况调查(以确定被调查者是否有条件接受政府补助,或是为了其他特殊目的)