释义 |
may PERMISSIONmeIvaux [+ infinitive without to; not be maying] he/she/it may, past simple might slightly fml used to ask or give permission可以,能够Yes, you may go swimming, but be home by four.是的,你可以去游泳,但必须在4点之前回家。A reader may borrow up to six books at any one time.读者可一次借阅六本书。Passengers may not carry more than one piece of hand luggage onto the aircraft.乘客登机只限带一件手提行李。"May I help myself to some more food?" "Yes, you may."“我能再要些食物吗?”“是的,可以。”Hi, my name's Tiffany. How may I help you?你好,我叫蒂法尼,能帮你些什么?If I may continue, I should like to show some more slides.如果我能继续的话,我想多展示一些幻灯片。May I ask is sometimes used in questions to show disapproval by being more polite than is expected.(表不同意见时的礼貌说法)能问一下吗What, may I ask, was the point of repeating the tests?能问一下重复测试的目的是什么吗?This use of 'may'is slightly more formal and less common than CAN. may的此项用法较CAN稍正式,但不及其常用。☆MIGHT