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mat.ter SITUATIONH5mAt7E5, $5mAt7Ln [C]a situation or subject which is being dealt with or considered事情,事件Could I talk to you? It's a personal matter.我能和你谈谈吗?这是件私事。Divorce is always a traumatic matter.离婚总是件痛苦的事。Solving this equation will not be a trivial matter (= will not be easy).解开这个方程式并非易事。The matter (= problem) was soon resolved.问题很快得到了解决。Will you phone me back--it's a matter of great importance.你能给我个回电吗----事关重要。I told the shop about the fault, but they said it was a matter for (= the responsibility of) the manufacturer.我将故障告诉了商家,但他们却说那是生产商的事。The matter is now closed (= You must not talk about the subject any more).那事已了结了。I've said I'm sorry, so why don't you let the matter drop (= stop talking about the subject)?我已说过抱歉了,你为什么不让这件事过去呢?Talking about the world's problems is one thing, but solving them is another matter altogether (= is completely different).谈论全球问题是一回事,解决它们却完全是另一回事。If something is a matter of doing something, it is quite easy and only involves doing the thing mentioned.(简单到只需按部就班的)事情Cooking a goat isn't difficult--it's just a matter of following the recipe.烤山羊并不难----只需照着烹饪指南做就行。For that matter is used to show that a statement is true in another situation or can also refer to another person.同样的,就此而言I'm going to bed early, and so for that matter should you (= you should also).我要早些休息,你也应该如此。The matter in hand (Am usually matter at hand) is the subject or situation being considered.处理中的事,手头上的事Do these figures have any bearing on the matter in hand?这些数据和正在处理中的事有关系吗?If something is done as a matter of course, it is a usual part of the way in which things are done and is not special.理所当然的事,正常的事We observe the safety precautions as a matter of course.我们当然遵守安全防范规则。If something is a matter of life and/or death, it is extremely serious.生死攸关的事Don't worry about missing your bus--it's not a matter of life and death.别为误车而担心----又不是什么大事。If something is a matter of opinion, it is not a fact but is a personal preference.个人喜好的问题Both performances were excellent, it's simply a matter of opinion to say which one was the best.两场演出都很精彩,要说哪场更好那只是个人喜好问题。If something is a matter of record, it is generally known to be true.有案可查的事情,公认之事It is a matter of record that both sides committed atrocities during the war.双方都在战争中犯下了种种罪行,这是有案可查的。Being arrested by the police is no laughing matter (= It is very serious).被警方拘捕可不是件开玩笑的事。