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mar.ry (obj)H5mAr7i, $5mer-vto become the legally accepted husband or wife of (someone) in an official or religious ceremony娶,嫁,结婚Men tend to marry later than women. [I]男性往往比女性晚结婚。Paul married Lucy four years ago. [T]保罗四年前娶了露西。Carol recently gave birth to a daughter, but she has no plans to marry at present. [I]卡罗尔最近生了个女儿,但她目前还不打算结婚。To marry is also to perform the ceremony of marriage as a priest or official.主持婚礼,(如牧师,官员)为…证婚Who married them? [T]谁为他们主持了婚礼?The couple were married by the Archbishop of Canterbury . [T]坎特伯雷大主教为这对新人证婚。He married into (= married someone from) a wealthy farming family.他娶了个富裕的农家女子。My father's trying to marry me (off) to (= make me marry) his accountant's daughter. [T/M]我父亲想让我娶他会计的女儿。(fig.) We need to marry (up) (= match) the names on your list with those on my list and see what the overlap is. [T/M]我们得将各自名单上的名字对照起来,看看重复的有多少。Her parents said she married beneath her (= married someone who was not good enough for her).她的父母说她下嫁了(与配不上她的人结婚)。(old use) If someone has married beneath his/her station they have married someone with a lower social position.和社会地位比其低的人结婚He always said he wanted to marry money (= marry someone rich).他常说想娶个有钱人。I'm surprised she's accepted his proposal--I didn't think she was the marrying kind (= likely to marry).我很惊讶她竟然接受了他的求婚----我曾认为她属于不会结婚的那种类型(不太可能结婚)。(saying)'Marry in haste, repent at leisure'means that you will regret it if you get married without knowing the person well.草率结婚后悔多。[MARRIAGE]