释义 |
tone DIFFERENCE IN SOUNDHtEJn, $toJnn [C]Am also step the largest difference in sound between two notes which are next to each other in the western musical SCALE音The interval from G to A is a whole tone.从G到A的音程是一个全音。In the fourth bar you go up a half tone.在第四小节你要高半个音。Someone who is tone-deaf is not able to recognize different notes or sing tunes accurately.不能辨别音高的人,音盲Don't ask me to sing -- I'm tone-deaf!别叫我唱歌----我是个音盲!(specialized) A tone language is one in which the same series of sounds can represent different meanings, depending on how high or low they are spoken.声调语言Chinese is a tone language.汉语是声调语言。