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lustlQstna very strong desire, either sexual or to get or possess something欲望,贪欲,色欲He looked at her with lust (= strong sexual desire) in his eyes. [U]他色迷迷地望着她。Her attraction to him is pure lust. [U]她对他只是肉体上的吸引。All he's interested in is satisfying his lust. [U]他只关心满足自己的贪欲。Her lust (= strong desire) for power has made her ruthless. [C]贪恋权势使她变得残酷无情。It's wonderful to see the children's lust for life (= how eager and enthusiastic they are about life). [C]看到孩子们对生活充满热爱真是太好了。He's driven by the twin lusts for money and success. [C]他受到金钱与成功双重欲望的驱使。