释义 |
Lu.ci.ferHlU:7sI7fE5, $-fLn [not after the]another name for Satan (= the originator of evil and the enemy of God)恶魔撒旦的别名,早晨之子,明亮之星(早期基督教教父著作中对堕落之前的撒旦的称呼)According to the Old Testament, Lucifer, in his pride, led the revolt of some of the angels against God, and was banished to Hell after their defeat. After this he was called Satan.据旧约全书,骄傲的明亮之星带领一些天使反对上帝,失败后被逐入地狱,从此便被称为撒旦。Jones was once described by a friend as being as proud as Lucifer (= extremely proud or satisfied with himself).琼斯曾被朋友们形容为极其骄傲自满。