释义 |
li.onfemale also li.on.ess 5laI7En, .laI7E5nesn [C]a large strong African and Indian animal with four legs and light brown fur which eats meat and belongs to the cat family狮子Lions live in small groups called prides in grassland and open woodland.狮子以群居方式生活在草原和开阔的林地。A mature male lion can be identified by the long dark mane of hair around its face and neck.成年雄狮可以通过它脸四周和脖子上的深色长鬣毛辨认出来。His face was scarred for life when he was mauled by a circus lion.他被马戏团的狮子袭击后脸上留下永久的伤疤。Lionesses usually have about four cubs in a litter but they can have as many as seven.母狮一胎通常生四个幼仔但最多可生七只 。Stephanie was an amazing girl and had the courage of a lioness.斯苔芬妮是一个不寻常的女孩,有母狮般的勇气。A lion is someone who is important or successful and is very enthusiastic and energetic about what they are doing.名人,充满活力的人He is one of the young jazz lions (= people who are starting to become important or successful) on the New York music scene.他是纽约音乐圈年轻的爵士乐明星之一。A lion's den is a dangerous or threatening place.危险的地方It's your turn for the lion's den. Paul wants to see you in his office straightaway.你要倒霉了,保罗马上要在办公室见你。(literary) Someone who is lion-hearted is very brave.勇敢的人Our lion-hearted fighter pilots are the rulers of the skies.我们勇敢的战斗机飞行员称雄于蓝天。The lion's share of something is the largest part of it or most of it.最大(最好)的部分Reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.有声望的慈善机构把捐赠的大部分用于援助,小部分用于管理。"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" (title of a children's book by C.S.Lewis, 1950)《狮子、巫婆和衣柜》(C.S刘易斯所著儿童文学作品书名)