释义 |
last (obj) CONTINUEHlB:st, $lAstvto continue to exist持续; 持久; 维持How long will the meeting last? [I]这个会要开多久?The meeting lasted two hours. [L only + n]这个会开了两小时。The rain is expected to last all weekend. [L only + n]这场雨预计要下一个周末。The drought lasted for several months. [I]干旱持续了几个月。They say the snow will last until the end of next week. [I]他们说这场雪要下到下周末。I can't see the ceasefire lasting. [I]我看停火不会持久。I'm trying to make this box of chocolates last longer than the previous one. [I]我在尽量使这盒巧克力比上一盒吃得久些。We only have enough supplies to last (us) a week (= There will be nothing left after a week). [L (+ obj) + n]我们的储备只能维持一个星期。They haven't had an argument for two weeks, but it's too good to last (= they'll have an argument soon). [I]他们两星期没吵架了,但很快又会吵的。I doubt their enthusiasm will last. [I]我怀疑他们的热情是否能持久。He's working very efficiently at the moment, but it can't/won't last. [I]现在他工作效率很高,但好景不会长。To last/ (Br also) last out also means to continue to stay active or alive.坚持,挺住How long can they last (out) without food? [I]他们没东西吃,能捱多久?Her previous secretary only lasted a month (= left after this period). [L only + n]她的前一个秘书只坚持了一个月。He won't last (out) the night (= he will die tonight). [L only + n]他挺不过今天晚上。Many of the refugees are too weak to last (out) (= still be alive at the end of ) the winter. [L only + n]许多难民太虚弱,熬不过冬天。If you won't last five minutes/won't last long you will not be successful.长不了; 不会成功England's got no chance of winning the match against Scotland -- they won't last five minutes.英格兰队不可能赢得对苏格兰队的比赛----他们后劲不足。I wouldn't last five minutes in the police force -- it's far too tough for me.我在警察部队干不了三五分钟----对我来说太苦了。You won't last long in your job if you carry on being so rude to the customers.如果你对顾客还这么没礼貌,你的工作干不长。To last is also to continue being good or suitable.耐久; 耐用There's no point buying something that isn't going to last. [I]买不耐用的东西没意思。The cheaper washing machines should last about five years. [L only +n]再便宜一点的洗衣机大概能用五年。This pen should last (you) a lifetime if you look after it. [L (+ obj) + n]如果你用得小心,这支钢笔能用一辈子。