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jump (obj) IN THE AIRdVQmpvto raise yourself off the ground and into the air using your legs and feet跳; 跳跃They watched the children running and jumping. [I]他们看着孩子们又跑又跳。Ballet dancers can jump very high (into the air). [I]芭蕾舞演员能跳得非常高。He killed himself by jumping out of a window. [I]他从窗口跳出去自杀了。Our cat is always jumping up on/onto the furniture. [I]我们的猫总是跳到家具上。The children are jumping up and down with excitement. [I]孩子们兴奋得跳来跳去。(infml Br and Aus) Bill's jumping up and down (= is annoyed) because Mark didn't get his report finished in time.比尔气得直跳,因为马克没有及时完成报告。(fig. ) There's something wrong with the television--the picture keeps jumping. [I]电视机坏了----图像跳个不停。(fig. infml) The joint's really jumping (= This place of entertainment is very active and crowded) tonight. [I]今晚小酒店里真热闹。To jump sometimes means to raise yourself off the ground in order to go over something.跳越; 跃过Can you jump (over/across) this stream? [T; I + prep]你能跃过这条小溪吗?All the horses are finding it difficult to jump the last fence. [T]所有的马都觉得最后一道障碍很难跃过。If a noise or action causes you to jump your body makes a sudden sharp movement because of surprise or fear.(受惊等后)猛地一跳The loud explosion made everyone jump. [I]爆炸的巨响把大家都吓了一跳。Oh, you made me jump--I didn't hear you come into the room.哦,你把我吓了一跳----我没听见你进屋。I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a loud crash downstairs.听见楼下砰的一声巨响,我差点吓得灵魂出窍。Simon jumped for joy (= was very happy) when he got his exam results.西蒙得知了考试结果,高兴得直蹦。(infml) I told him to go (and) jump in the lake (= go away).我叫他快滚。That's a very effective advertisement --it really jumps out at you (= strongly attracts your attention).那条广告很有效果----它真是一下子抓住了你的注意力。Let's take the question of the future of the existing workforce as a jumping-off point (= a point from which to start) for our negotiations.让我们就现存劳动力的前景提问开始我们的谈判。The car battery was dead so we had to start the engine with (Br) jump leads/ (Am) jumper cables/ (Aus) jumper leads (= two wires which carry electrical power from one car engine to another which does not have any power).汽车电池坏了,所以我们不得不用跨接电缆线发动引擎。To jump rope is Am for SKIP.A jump rope is Am for a skipping rope. [SKIP ]To jump-start a car is to start its engine by pushing the car, or by using jump leads.用助推启动法启动(汽车)A jump-start is the act of starting a car in either of these ways.助推启动(法)