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judgedVQdVn [C]A judge is the person who officially decides who is the winner of a competition.(比赛的)裁判员The judges all awarded the Russian skaters the highest marks.所有的裁判都给了俄罗斯滑冰选手最高分。The winner will be decided by a panel of judges.胜利者将由裁判小组决定。A judge is a person who has the knowledge to give an opinion about something or who is able to decide whether someone or something is good or bad.鉴定人;鉴赏家I'm no judge of art.我全然不会鉴赏艺术。She's such a bad judge of character.她很不善于判断人的性格。I thought the performance was boring, but then I'm not a good judge.我认为演出很乏味,然而我并不善于评判。"I really don't think you should have another drink. " "I'll be/Let me be the judge of that (= I am able to make my own decision about that). "“我真的认为你不该再喝一杯。”“我自己会判断的。”