释义 |
im.ma.tureH.Im7E5tFJE5, $-5tJradjdisapproving childish; unable to be or act as calmly and wisely as people expect you to, at the age you have reached不成熟的Stop being so silly and immature, Derek!不要这么愚蠢幼稚,德里克!She's rather immature for her age, don't you think?相对于她的年龄而言,你不认为她显得相当幼稚吗?She's politically immature (=has had little experience of politics).她在政治上很不成熟。(specialized) If something is described as immature it can also mean that it is not yet completely grown or developed.发育未全的While the animals are still immature, they do not breed.动物发育未全时不会生育。