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ter.ri.ble UNPLEASANT5ter7E7b6adjvery unpleasant or serious可怕的; 严重的I've had a terrible night -- I just couldn't sleep.我度过了可怕的一夜,我简直不能睡觉。Reports have just come in of a terrible crash on the freeway.刚才传来高速公路上发生了可怕的汽车相撞的报道。We have just received some terrible news.我们刚收到一些可怕的消息。"How was your trip?" "Terrible -- it rained all week." “你的旅行怎样?”“糟透了,下了一个星期雨。”It was terrible to see her suffer so much. [+ to infinitive]看到她吃了那么多苦,真令人痛心。It is terrible that he spent ten years in prison for a crime that he did not commit. [+ that clause]他为他没有犯过的罪行坐牢十年,这太可怕了。(Br infml) Terrible twins are two people who behave in a way which attracts attention.两个引人注目的人"Changed, changed utterly:/ A terrible beauty is born." (W.B.Yeats in the poem Easter, 1916, 1920) “变了,完全变了:/ 绝色丽人诞生了。”(摘自W·B·叶芝的诗《1916年复活节》)