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gen.er.al COMMONHJen7[r7[l, $5-L-adjinvolving or relating to most people, things or places, esp. when these are considered as a unit; not relating to exceptions and details总的,一般的,笼统的The general feeling among people at the meeting was that a vote should be taken.与会人士的普遍感觉是应该进行投票表决。There is general concern about rising crime rates.人们普遍对呈上升趋势的犯罪率表示担心。The general standard of living is very high in Denmark.丹麦的总的生活水平很高。The general impression she gave was one of efficient kindness.她给人的总体印象是既能干又亲切。It's a general-purpose cleaner which you can use anywhere in the house.这是多功能的吸尘器,在房子里的任何地方都可使用。In their first year at the college, students take a general (= including a lot of subjects) course.在大学的第一年,学生们要上通论课。The book is written in an easy style, intended to interest the general reader (= one who is not a specialist).这本书的文笔流畅,是为了要引起一般读者的兴趣。I think you'll find that what I have to say is of general interest (= of interest to most people).我想,你会发现我所要说的将是人们普遍感兴趣的话题。What he said was very general (= did not include any details).他所说的很笼统。The school aims to give the children a general (= not detailed) background in a wide variety of subjects.学校旨在让孩子们对各种各样学科能有些大致的背景了解。If you're not quite sure of your facts, then only talk in general terms (= without giving any details).如果你对你所掌握的事实不大肯定的话,那么就大致地谈一谈吧。(Br fml) Rain will become general (= common) in the south-east during the afternoon.在东南地区,下午将普遍降雨。If general is used as part of the title of a job, it means that the person who has that job is in charge of the organization or company.(职位)首席的,级别最高的the general manager总经理the General Secretary of the UN联合国秘书长As a general rule (= Usually), we don't allow children in the bar.通常,我们不允许孩子进入酒吧。Do you think it's true that people in general (= most people) are against nuclear weapons?你认为真的是大多数人都反对核武器吗?In general (= In most cases), men are taller than women.一般说来,男人要比女人高。His book moved from the general (= things considered as a unit and without giving attention to details) to the particular.他的书从一般概括写到具体细节。(fml) The government will only say it is not in the general interest (= not good for the public) to reveal any more information.政府只会说,再透露任何一点消息都不符合大众的普遍利益。A general anaesthetic is a drug which you are given in hospital to make you sleep during an operation and so not feel any pain.全身麻醉剂The General Assembly is the main official body of the United Nations where members discuss subjects and which controls much of the work of the United Nations.联合国大会General delivery is Am for POSTE RESTANTE.(美)存局候领A general election is an election in which all the voters in a country elect the government.大选,普选In Britain, a general election must be held at least every five years.在英国,至少每五年举行一次大选。A general hospital is a large hospital which deals with all types of ill people.综合性医院General knowledge is the information that you have about many different subjects that you learn from school, television, reading, etc., rather than detailed information about a particular subject that you know because you have studied it.一般知识,常识(Br and Aus) General practice is the work of a GP (= doctor) who treats the ill people who live in a particular area. If the illness is serious, the doctor sends them to a hospital.普通医师的医业(通看各科,为某一地区的病人作初步诊治,如病情严重则送医院)She worked for several years as a hospital doctor and now she's in general practice.她在医院里当了多年医生,现在她是通看各科的普通开业医师了。The general public means ordinary people, esp. all the people who are not members of a particular organization or who do not have a particular type of knowledge.一般公众,普通民众The shop's lack of fire exits exposed the general public to great potential danger.商店里不设安全出口,使普通民众面临着巨大的潜在危险。This is a matter of great concern to the general public.这是一般公众十分关心的事情。The general public must be able to have confidence in the police force.普通民众必须对警察要有信心。A general store is a shop which sells a wide range of products, including food, esp. the only shop in a village.杂货店The general staff is the group of army officers who work for and give advice to a commanding officer.参谋部(指全体参谋)A general strike is a STRIKE in which most people in a country refuse to work, until they are given something that they are demanding, such as higher pay.总罢工