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fuz.zy5fQz7iadj-ier, -iest (of an image) having shapes that do not have clear edges, or (of a sound, esp. from a television, radio, etc.) not clear, usually because of other unwanted noises making it difficult to hear模糊的,不清楚的Is the picture always fuzzy on your TV?你的电视上图像总是模模糊糊的吗?You can pick up a lot of stations on the car radio but the sound is usually a bit fuzzy.你在汽车的收音机里可以收听到许多台,但声音通常是模糊不清。(fig.) The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy (=unclear).虽然这故事的细节还模糊不清,但一些基本事实已开始明朗化。(fig.) My head's a bit fuzzy (=I cannot think clearly) this morning after all that wine last night.昨晚喝了那酒之后,今天早上我脑子还是有点稀里糊涂的。Fuzzy logic is a theoretical system used in mathematics, computing and PHILOSOPHY which allows theorists and computers to deal with statements which are neither true nor false.模糊逻辑It is said that fuzzy logic offers computers the best chance of making sense of what people are thinking and then of reproducing their behaviour.据说,模糊逻辑使计算机能够最好地理解人们在想些什么,从而模拟他们的行为。 [FUZZ中的fuzzy]