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fuse SAFETY PARTfjU:zn [C]a small safety part in an electrical device or piece of machinery which causes it to stop working if the electric current is too high, and so prevents fires or other dangers保险丝,熔丝Many household appliances in Britain use a thirteen-amp fuse.英国的许多家用电器用的是13安培的保险丝。My hairdrier's stopped working -- I think the fuse has blown / (Br and Aus also) gone (=broken).我的电吹风不能用了----我想是保险丝断了。Household appliances don't usually have individual fuses in the US.在美国家用电器不总是单独带有保险丝。A fuse box is a container holding several fuses, such as all the fuses for the electrical system of a single house.保险丝盒The fuse box is on the wall in the kitchen.保险丝盒装在厨房的墙上。☆CIRCUIT 中的circuit breaker