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fu.elfjJElna substance which is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned燃料,燃烧剂Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel. [U]木头、煤、煤油、汽油和燃气都是不同种类的燃料。Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy. [C]钚是用于制造核能的燃料。Fuel bills are usually higher in the winter than in the summer, because fuel consumption is higher then. [U]冬天支付的燃料费用通常要比夏天高,因为冬天的燃料消耗量要大。To the south of the city is a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. [U]在这城市的南面有一家核燃料再加工厂。There are plans to reduce the tax on unleaded fuel. [U]有计划要削减无铅燃料的税。The new exhaust system, it is claimed, will reduce noise levels, improve engine power and lower fuel consumption. [U]据说新的排气装置会降低噪音程度,增强发动机动力和减少燃料消耗。Fuel is also anything that keeps people's ideas or feelings active, or makes them stronger.刺激因素His unreasonable behaviour only gives fuel to his opponents. [U]他那不讲道理的行为只是更刺激了他的对手。Reports in today's newspapers have added fuel to the controversy (=made it worse). [U]今天报纸的报道更加剧了这场论战。The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire / flames (=made a bad situation worse).当人们发现政府知道这掩饰丑闻的事,这可真是火上浇油。We've never had a fuel-injected car (=a car with a device which puts an exact amount of fuel into the engine) before.我们以前还从没有过一辆带注油装置的车。A fuel rod is part of a device which produces nuclear power.(核动力装置)燃料棒