释义 |
fox ANIMALHfBks, $fB:ksna wild mammal belonging to the dog family which has a pointed face and ears, a wide furry tail and often reddish-brown fur狐Foxes are often nocturnal. [C]狐常常夜间活动。In Britain foxes are hunted. [C]在英国允许猎杀狐。Fox is also the skin of this animal used to make coats and hats.狐皮Artificial fur is increasingly replacing natural furs such as mink and fox. [U]人造毛皮越来越多地取代了貂皮、狐皮之类的自然毛皮。Foxes are traditionally thought to be clever and good at deceiving people, so humans are sometimes compared to them.狡猾的人,诡计多端的人The President is very crafty, just like a fox. [C]总统十分狡诈,就像只狐狸。Are you sure you can trust him --he's such a cunning / sly / wily old fox. [C]你肯定能信任他吗----他是个狡诈的/阴险的/诡计多端的老狐狸。A fox terrier is a small dog with smooth or rough fur that is white with black or pale brown marks.狐In the past, fox terriers were used in hunting to dig foxes out of the ground so that they could be killed by the foxhounds.过去打猎时,狐被用来驱狐出穴,然后由猎狐犬将狐杀死。