释义 |
force obj DO UNWILLINGLYHfC:s, $fC:rsv [T]to (cause to) do something difficult, unpleasant or unusual, esp. by threatening or not offering the possibility of choice强迫,迫使I really have to force myself to be pleasant to him. [+ obj + to infinitive]我确实得强使自己对他态度好一些。You can't force her to make a decision--she's got to do it on her own. [+ obj + to infinitive]你不能强迫她作决定----她得自己作主。Hospitals are being forced to close departments because of lack of money. [+ obj + to infinitive]医院因为缺钱被迫关闭某些科室。If you force a laugh or a smile you manage, with difficulty, to laugh or smile although it involves a lot of effort.强颜欢笑He had to force a smile as he said goodbye.他强作欢颜说了声再见。You could tell he was having to force back the tears (=stop himself from crying) as he gave his resignation speech. [M]你看得出他在作辞职演说时是强忍着眼泪的。I didn't actually want any more dessert, but Julia forced it on me (=caused me to accept it).我并不想再吃甜食了,但朱莉娅就是逼着我吃。I couldn't stay at their flat--I'd feel as if I was forcing myself on them (=causing them to allow me to stay).我不能呆在他们寓所里了----我好像感到是我在逼他们让我耽着。"Thank you, " he said, forcing out (=saying with difficulty) the words unwillingly. [M]“谢谢,”他满心不情愿地挤出这么两个字。You never tell me your feelings about anything--I have to force it out of you (=cause you to tell me)!你从来不告诉我你的感觉----我得从你口中挤出来。If you force someone's hand, you make them do something they do not want to do, or act sooner than they had intended.迫使采取行动The President will not allow public unrest to force his hand.总统不会因为社会动乱而被迫采取行动。To force an issue is to take action to make certain that an urgent problem or matter is dealt with now.迫使解决If the management wouldn't listen to their demands they would have to force the issue by striking.假如管理层不理会他们的要求,他们就不得不通过罢工来解决问题。If plants or vegetables are forced, they are made to grow faster by artificially controlling growing conditions such as the amount of heat and light.助长,催生长forced strawberries催生的草莓