释义 |
fo.cus (obj)H5fEJ7kEs, $5foJ-v-s- or -ss- If you focus a device such as a camera or MICROSCOPE, you move a device on the LENS so that you can see a clear picture.调节(镜头等的)焦距(使图像清晰)I focused the telescope on the moon. [T]我将望远镜对准月球,使图像清晰。If you focus your eyes or your eyes focus you try to look directly at an so object so that you can see it more clearly.集中视线When they first took the bandages off, she / her eyes couldn't focus properly (=she couldn't see clearly). [I]他们刚给她拆了绷带时,她两眼还看不清东西。(fig.) All eyes were focused on (=everyone was looking at) the young actress who was sitting at the table next to us. [T]所有的目光都一齐投向了坐在我们旁边桌上的年轻女演员。