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firstH5fV:st, $5fV:rstadj, adv [not gradable], n, pronoun(a person or thing) coming before all others in order, time, amount, quality or importance第一(位)的,首要的, 第一流的Who was the first (person) to finish? [+ to infinitive]第一个跑完了的是谁?Who finished first?谁跑了第一?She was one of the first (guests) to arrive at the party. [+ to infinitive]她是最先来到晚会的宾客之一。Much of his success, as he is the first (=very willing) to acknowledge, is due to his good looks. [+ to infinitive]据他欣然承认,他的成功很大程度上归功于他的漂亮外貌。The first we heard about the murder was a news report on the radio.最先我们是在收音机的一次新闻报道中听到那件谋杀案的。This concert will be her first since the birth of her child a year ago.这将是她一年前生了小孩之后第一次举办的音乐会。Tonight sees the first of three documentaries about cancer.今晚播放三部有关癌症的纪录片中的第一部。When was the first (ever) radio broadcast made?第一次无线电广播是什么时候开始的?This is my first visit to New York.这是我首次访问纽约。This is the first time I've been to New York.这是我第一次到纽约。The temperature has risen above freezing for the first time in six days / since last Sunday.六天/上星期天以来,气温首次升至冰点以上。It won't be the first time that he's changed his mind.这可不会是他第一次改变主意。I'm always nervous for the first few minutes of an exam.考试开始的几分钟,我总是很紧张。What's the first thing you think of when you hear that noise?听到那声音你首先想到的是什么?Think carefully before you answer their questions and don't just say the first thing that comes into your head.在回答他们的问题之前,要仔细想想,不要脑子里先冒出什么就说什么。When did you first meet each other?你们最初什么时候见的面?The company was still very small when I first joined.我最初加入时,这家公司还很小。"Should I put the potatoes in the oven?" "You should chop them up first (=before you put them in). "“我该把土豆放进烘箱里吗?” “你应该先将它们切好。”She'll never agree to work for him. She'd die first (=She would never work for him whatever happened)!她永远也不会同意为他工作的。她宁愿先去死。First (of all) (infml First off) (=Before anything else), I'd like to ask you a few questions about your childhood.首先,我想问你几个有关你童年时代的问题。First looking over his shoulder, he took a small box from his pocket.他先回头看了一眼,然后从口袋里掏出一个小盒子。This new surgical technique is a first for (=has never been done before in) Britain. [C]这种外补科技术在英国是首次进行。(Br) She got a first (fml first-class degree) (=best possible qualification in a college degree) in English from Newcastle University. [C]她在纽卡斯特尔大学英语得了优等。At first (=In the beginning) I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.开始我以为他是开玩笑,但接着我意识到他是认真的。South-east England will start cloudy with showers at first, but it should brighten up by late morning.英格兰东南开始多云,伴有阵雨,但午前会转晴。First come, first served means that those who ask for something first will receive it first and that there might not be enough for those who ask later.先到者先受招待,先到先供应Tickets for the concert are free and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.音乐会的票子是免费的,按先到先给的原则分发。A member of a group of people who is described as first among equals is officially on the same level as the other members but in fact has slightly more responsibility or power.同职的人中责任和权力稍大者The British Prime Minister is first among equals in the Cabinet.英国首相是内阁中职权最大的。If you are in the first flush of something, you are at the start of it.初始,伊始You're no longer in the first flush of youth, you know Dad!你不再是青春伊始了,知道吗,爸!In spite of her recent election success, she remains first and foremost (=more than anything else) a writer, not a politician.尽管在最近的选举中赢得了胜利,她仍然首先是一个作家,而不是一个政治家。Don was, first and last (=as the most important fact), a good friend.总的说来,唐是个好朋友。I opposed the proposal from the (very) first (=from the beginning).我一开始就反对那项提议。Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first place (Br also in the first instance) (=in the beginning) to the personnel manager.有关那职位的咨询应该首先交人事部经理处理。He said he'd phone back first thing (=very early in the morning) tomorrow.他说过明天一早会先回电话来的。Don't worry, your car can be repaired, but first things first (=more important things should be done before less important things), are you sure you're not hurt?别担心,你的车子能修好的,但最重要的是你肯定自己没伤着吗?First aid is basic medical treatment which is given to someone as soon as possible after they have been hurt in an accident or suddenly become ill.急救Did you learn any first aid at school?你在学校学过急救知识吗?The government is appealing for supplies of first-aid equipment.政府在呼吁人们提供急救设备。How many first-aiders (=people who know about first aid) are there in your office?你们办事处有多少急救人员?In baseball, first base (or first) is the place a BATTER runs to after hitting the ball, or the position played by an INFIELDER.(棒球中的)一垒;一垒手的防卫位置(fig.) Your proposal is so poorly designed, you won't even get to / reach first base (=have the first achievement or agreement which is needed for later success) with the directors.你的计划做的太粗糙了,董事们看不看都难说。The first-born (child) in a family is the child who is older than all the other children of those parents.头胎生的(孩子),最长的(孩子)Do first-borns develop closer relationships with their parents than their brothers and sisters?最长的孩子与父母亲形成的关系比他们的弟弟妹妹们要亲密吗?If a service is first class, it is the best that is possible or available.一流的,第一类的,头等的Most first-class mail (=the more expensive class of post in Britain which is delivered more quickly than second class) is delivered the day after it is posted.大多数一类信件都是在寄出的第二天就投递的。How much more would it cost to send it first class?寄一类信件要多收多少钱?First class rail fares are to rise by an average of 6 per cent.头等车厢的票价将平均上涨百分之六。Is it possible to upgrade to first class once you're on board the plane?上了飞机后,还有可能改坐头等舱吗?She used to travel (in) first class but she can't afford it anymore.她过去旅行总是坐头等舱,如今她坐不起了。First class is also used to mean excellent.极好的,极为出色的She'd never done any decorating before, but she's made a first-class job of the living room.她以前从没搞过装潢,但她把居室弄得棒极了。Your work is first class.你做得十分出色。A first cousin is a child of someone's aunt or uncle.嫡堂兄弟(或姐妹),嫡表兄弟(或姐妹)(fig.) CD-ROM is a first cousin of (=is closely related to) music compact discs -- information is stored digitally and read with a laser. CD-ROM是音乐激光唱片的嫡堂兄弟----用数字储存信息,用激光读取信息。(dated) A first-degree burn is the least serious type of burn that needs medical treatment.一级烧伤(程度最轻)(Am) First-degree murder is the most serious type of murder.一级谋杀罪(罪情最重)(Aus) The First Fleet was the ships that brought the first Europeans to Australia.(运载第一批欧洲人到澳大利亚的)第一舰队(Aus) A first fleeter is someone who is related to a person who travelled in the First Fleet.首批移民到澳大利亚的欧洲人后裔In British English, the first floor of a building is the floor directly above ground level. In American English, it is the floor at ground level.(英国)二楼,(美国)一楼In a vehicle, first gear (or first) is used when starting to move forward or when moving up a steep hill, providing the wheels with a lot of engine power but not much speed.(汽车等的)第一档,头档齿轮,第一速度齿轮I failed my driving test because I kept putting the car into third instead of first. [U]驾驶测试我没及格,因为我总是将车子上第三档,而不是第一档。Information that is first-hand is obtained directly from its origin.(信息等)第一手的,原始的,直接的How can you talk about poverty when you've had no first-hand experience of it?没有第一手的经验,你怎么也能谈论贫穷?These reports of torture have come first-hand from the prisoners.这些有关用刑的报告是从犯人那里第一手得来的。It is difficult to appreciate the scale of the problem without seeing the effects of the famine at first hand.没有亲眼看到饥荒的影响,是很难体会问题的严重程度的。The first fruit of something is the first result of it.最初成果,初步收益The deal to supply each other with car engines is the first fruit of a recent cooperative agreement between the companies.互相向对方提供汽车引擎的交易,是最近公司之间合作协议的最初成果。These improvements in quality are the first fruits of our investment.这些质量方面的提高是我们投资的初步收益。A first lady is a woman whose husband is the political leader of a country or a part of a country.第一夫人A person's first language is the language they learn from their parents as they are growing up.第一语言Her first language is German, but she has lived in Paris since she was five so she speaks extremely good French.她的第一语言是德语,但因为她自五岁起就生活在法国,她法语说得极好。First light is the time when the sun first appears in the morning.黎明,破晓They had to wait till / until first light to evacuate the wounded to an army hospital.他们不得不等到破晓才把伤员运送到一所部队医院。We'll leave at first light.我们在黎明时分离开。A first mate or first officer is the second most important officer on a ship which is not part of the navy.(商船的)大副A person's first name (fml forename Am also given name) is the name that they use with people they know well, such as friends and family, and sometimes also to express friendliness or reduce the formality of a situation.教名,名字(不包括姓,一般在亲友之间使用,以示亲密友好)It can be rude to call someone by their first name if they are much older or more important than you.对年纪长于你或地位高于你的人直呼其名是不礼貌的。 ☆ CHRISTIAN中的Christian nameIf you are on first-name terms with (Am also on a first-name basis with) someone, you call each other by your first names, often when you might not expect to because you don't know them very well.以名字互称,交情很好The meeting was a great success and by the end of it we were all on first-name terms with each other.会议开得很成功,最后我们都以名字互称,关系很好。The first night (Am usually opening night) of a play is the first official time it is performed in public (in a particular place).(戏剧等的)初演,首次上演Our first night in London was a disaster, but New York was much more successful.我们在伦敦的初演是个大失败,但在纽约要成功得多。A first offender is someone who has been officially judged to be guilty of a crime for the first time.初犯,初次犯法者Are first offenders treated more leniently than criminals with previous convictions?对待初犯是不是要比对有前科者更为宽大一些?(Br) First-past-the-post is a voting system in which a person is elected by obtaining more votes than anyone else in the area that they want to represent, whether or not their political party obtains more votes than any other party in the whole of the country.得票多者当选Many people in Britain want to replace first-past-the-post (voting) with proportional representation.英国许多人想把得票多者当选的制度改成比例代表制。The first person is the form of pronouns and verbs people use when speaking or writing about themselves.第一人称In English, 'I', 'me', 'my? 'myself' and 'mine' refer to the first person singular, and 'we', 'us', 'our', 'ourselves' and 'ours' refer to the first person plural.英语中I, me, my, myself 和mine是第一人称单数,we, us, our, ourselves 和ours是第一人称复数。Autobiographies are written in the first person.自传是用第一人称写的。First principles are the basic and most important reasons for doing or believing something.首要原则We seem to have forgotten why we're fighting this campaign -- we really need to return to first principles.我们好像忘了这次运动的目标----我们确实需要回到首要原则上来。If something is first-rate it is extremely good.一流的,头等的,最好的The sound quality of compact discs is first-rate.激光唱片的音质是一流的。If you have (the) first refusal on something, you have the chance to buy it before it is offered to anyone else.优先取舍权My sister's selling her car and she's offered me first refusal on it.我姐姐打算把汽车卖掉,并把优先购买权给了我。A first strike in a nuclear war is an attack intended to destroy the enemy's ability to fire before they have had an opportunity to do so.第一次打击,先发制人的打击。(Br) A first-time buyer is someone who is buying their own house or apartment for the first time, esp. by borrowing money from a bank or similar organization.初次购房者(尤指贷款购房)Would tax incentives for first-time buyers help to revive the depressed housing market?对初次购房者作赋税减让是否有助于恢复萧条的住房市场的生机?The University regrets that it cannot guarantee accommodation to all first-year students.那所大学很遗憾不能为所有的一年级学生提供住宿。