释义 |
ev.i.dent5ev7I[ntadjeasily seen or understood; obvious明显的;明白的The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.破坏的总体情况到第二天早上才清楚。The audience waited with evident excitement for the performance to begin.观众们带着显而易见的兴奋表情等待着演出开始。It is evident that the robber knew the building well. [+ that clause]显而易见,强盗对这栋楼很熟悉。From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days. [+ that clause]从气味上闻起来,很明显排水管道已堵了好几天了。Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone.哈里病中的勇气每个人都看得出。Her love for him was evident in all that she did.她对他的爱在她的所作所为中表露无遗。[SELF-EVIDENT]